Who are we?
Founder/owner - Austin Shover
Meet Austin, the founder of our drafting agency. Austin is a highly experienced professional with a passion for engineering and computer technology. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from West Virginia University and has worked in the swimming pool industry for over 10 years. As the Operations Manager of a Top 50 builder, he worked closely with all departments, giving him invaluable experience in the elaborate processes that encompass design, sales, and construction.
Driven by his passions in these areas, Austin decided to start his own drafting company that would prioritize customer service while working closely with clients to understand their needs and preferences. No matter the level of specificity required, he wants to deliver on your expectations.
Austin’s focus on customer satisfaction and his commitment to excellence has earned him a reputation as a trusted partner among general contractors and homeowners alike. His focus has, and always will be, to deliver a high quality product efficiently.
Talk to us
Have any questions? Reach out to connect. We’re confident you’ll love working with us.